
List of locations supporting the event; please email the coordinator for specifics. If you can support a run and would like to post it, please email me at syi24hr@gmail.com.
  1. Bartlett, IL - contact Brian @ newleafultra@gmail.com
  2. Chattanooga, TN - contact Abi @ ultrarunningmom@gmail.com
  3. Qatar - yup, we will be joined by our brave countrymen! Let me know if you'll be in town and I'll put you in contact with the organizer :)
  4. Albuquerque, NM - contact Peter @ 140000steps@gmail.com
  5. Gleason Park, Indian Harbor Beach, Florida - contact Nikki @ nikkiseger@gmail.com
  6. Victor, Idaho – contact Dusty dhardman@silverstar.com